In 2020 and 2021 Virtual Vancouver Beer Mile replaced in person Vancouver Beer Mile when shit was all f*^ked up due to covid.

Beer milers around the globe took to tracks near them and and carried the Beer Mile torch with valour and pride.

This page will serve a living memory of the glory that was Virtual Vancouver Beer Mile.



Things that you’ll need to know if you’re a VVBM participant

Official VVBM Playlist

Created by virtual beer milers for virtual beer milers

When can I run my beer mile?

Virtual Vancouver Beer Mile begins at 12:01am on Wednesday March 17, 2021. You must complete your beer mile before 11:59pm on Sunday, March 21, 2021.

How do I submit results?

Submit results here

Where can I view updates & results?

Updates will start appearing on the Vancouver Beer Mile instagram account, @vancouverbeermile on March 17th.

Results will begin to appear on on March 17th

When do I get my post race motivational photos?

You post race motivational photos (and one or two other surprises) will be mailed out the week of Virtual Beer Mile.


A beer mile consists of running… or walking… or crawling four 400 meter laps

THE CATCH: you must drink one beer before commencing each and every lap. 4 beers x 4 laps = 1 beer mile.

Official Vancouver Beer Mile Rules –

With a virtual beer mile you complete your beer mile (or as many laps as you can) at a time and place of your choosing, then send in your results to claim your ultimate glory!

  • Find Your Loop

    Find a 400 meter loop somewhere near you! Maybe it’s an empty track, or loops around a haunted warehouse. Maybe it’s 50 laps of your own balcony, do what feels right!

  • Get Beer

    Go grab yourself 4 of your favourite beers (355ml and 5% of higher ABV to conform to official beer mile rules!)

  • Complete Your Beer Mile

    On March 17, 18, 19, 20, or 21 show up to your 400 meter loop. Start your watch and drink a beer, then run a lap. Drink another beer, then run another lap. Drink yet another beer, run another lap. Drink one final beer, then run a lap. Stop your watch, you are victorious!

    Remember to run a penalty lap if you can’t keep the beer down mid race!

  • Upload Your Results

    Upload your results and become immortalized in the Virtual Vancouver Beer Mile Hall of Fame!


Every registered Virtual Vancouver Beer Mile participant receives an official Vancouver Beer Mile race pack containing some rad stuff to enhance your life.

Photos of baby animal wearing running shoes (OMG they are SOO CUTE!!).

A premium Belgian chocolate medal from Hot Chocolates on Vancouver Island (this is real deal top quality stuff, we don’t screw around when it comes to the chocolate).

Lottery tickets (we will do our best to pick all guaranteed winners!)

A special limited edition brand new motivational photo!

This will be photo #5 of the Vancouver Beer Mile motivational photo series.

Any extra bonus surprises that we see fit to add!


You’ll also be getting

🍺 Priority access to the chip timed Vancouver Beer Mile happening later in 2021

🍺 Entry into a draw to win a super special Vancouver Beer Mile Prize Pack

🍺 The opportunity to add a song to the official Virtual Vancouver Beer Mile playlist

🍺 Street cred (mega amounts!)

🍺 Virtual hugs from the race director


🍺 If you pay enough money a robot will bring you pizza

Use password vancouverbeermile to access registration


If you have to ask, you probably can’t afford it….

We asked our team of lawyers what all of this is worth, and they told us that an entry to Virtual Vancouver Beer Mile

IS WORTH ABOUT $1,972.84

Our first thought?

Wow… that’s incredible value!

But, instead of pricing this event at $1,972.84 we have decided to stay true to the Beer Mile code and keep all Virtual Vancouver Beer Mile entries pay what you want.

That’s right, pay what you want! The cost of entering VVBM is whatever you think Beer Mile is worth to you

So, it’s up to you whether you decide to contribute a reasonable $1,972.84, or maybe a more modest amount (something like $500, or $675).

Either way, know this. 100% of the money that comes in from Vancouver Beer Mile entry fees gets reinvested back into making Vancouver Beer Mile even more awesome!

Use password vancouverbeermile to access registration


How much is it to enter?
Virtual Vancouver Beer Mile is pay what you want!

I can’t drink beer. Can I still participate?
In order to preserve the sanctity of beer mile all participants must drink beer. If you can’t/don’t want to drink beer then this may not be the event for you.

How do I upload my results?
All registered participants will be given a link/email to send their results to. Upload your results and earn your prizes!

I heard that there are awards is that true!?!
Ya there are. A number of special awards will be given out for various achievements.

I’ve never done this before and am scared!
Do not be afraid! Virtual Vancouver Beer Mile is all about having fun! If you walk the whole thing and take 30 minutes you are still a champion in our eyes.

Should I still wear a costume?
Yes! It’s not required…. but it is pretty much required…



Organizations with the courage to help make this event happen